Take a leap into the swedish singing tradition. Learn Swedish songs and dance tunes and the characteristics of the traditional vocal style from Sweden. A playful workshop that can also include learning body-percussion patterns and harmonies to accompany the melodies, everything taught by ear.
Learn and explore the repertoire, songs, modality and vocal technique with toning consonants, thrills and ornaments that constitutes the Swedish folk singing tradition. We will be singing Swedish melodies both with and without lyrics, everything taught by ear.
”Litet spinna sticka
litet sy ibland
men att väva
det gör han ej ett grand”
Scandinavian herding calls. With roots in medieval times herding calls was a functional activity of the fäbod culture, mostly practised by women.
Kulning can be described as (often, but not always) high pitched calls, since the bearing of the voice over distance is affected by pitch. It was a form of communication between human and animal, or between humans over distance. The technique was learned from one generation to the next, and it was something every woman on the fäbod had to master.
A lovely way to explore your voice.
Make yourself he(a)rd!
Swedish folksongs Soongbook
Arrangements for 3-4 voices, order it by sending an email to info@malingthunell.com